About the PCHC
For present and future generations to experience the family histories of Prairie County and understand how the lives of these families shaped the culture of Prairie County and our state.
Prairie County Historical Center, Inc. (The Center) is an Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (C) (3) entity established to restore the Kocourek and Son Hardware building constructed in 1907. Preserving the building and preserving the history and culture of the families of Prairie County is the mission of the Center.
The building is structurally sound but in need of much restorative work. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on May 26, 2015. Preservation grants are available through the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP). Robert M. Schelle, Cabot architect with extensive preservation experience around the state, has examined the building and is confident in the restoration project. Locally he has handled grants for restoring the Rock Island Depot in Hazen, the former Presbyterian Church in Des Arc into a branch of the county library and is currently working on projects at both Prairie County Courthouses.
The grant programs are one-third/two third. The grant recipient invests one-third and the AHPP invests two-thirds. Undoubtedly this project will require a significant investment by The Center. The Center is asking for annual financial commitments for the necessary funds to obtain the restoration grants and cover the cost of insurance, property taxes and utilities. These commitments can be of any size, but The Center envisions a program of $500 or $1,000 per year. These commitments are necessary to prove to the AHPP that this is an ongoing entity. The Center also needs personal involvement such as ideas, information and sometimes a little help working on the building.
Once complete, The Center will provide an organization and location where Prairie County family histories can be shared. It will also be available for community meetings and events. Time is of the essence, not only for the building but for the collection and preservation of family histories and artifacts to share with our young and future generations.
Board of Directors
Sharon Kocourek Cagle, President
Randy J. Skarda, Vice President
David Hardke, Treasurer
Dan Rieke, Secretary
Mamie Sickel, Director
Charles Proctor, Director
Jack Orlicek, Director
Lynn Sickel, Direct
For additional information please contact Dan Rieke at 870-255-3524 or David Hardke at 870-830-2404.
Donations can be made below or may be mailed to: Prairie County Historical Center, Inc. P.O. Box 1132, Hazen, AR 72064 Donations may be given in memory or in honor of an individual or family.
Our Mission
To preserve & share the family histories of Prairie County, Arkansas and restore the Kocourek & Son Hardware store constructed in 1907. The Center will provide a community meeting place/event center that will enhance community spirit and education.
Our Vision
For present and future generations to experience the family histories of Prairie County and understand how the lives of these families shaped the culture of Prairie County and our state. Jay Kesler, former president, chancellor and current President Emeritus of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana has said – “Young people need something stable to hold onto, a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future”.
John Kocourek, born near Pisek in Central Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) came to Hazen around 1890 to take advantage of the opportunities that the area offered. He opened his own business, a hardware store, in 1892. Apparently, Kocourek’s business was quite successful since just a few years later he made plans for a new building to house the business. In 1906, Kocourek’s old building was placed on steel pipes and moved to the north out of the way in order to make way for a new building. By the early 1920’s Kocourek’s business carried an extensive line of shelf and heavy hardware. In addition to his stock of hardware he dealt in farm implements and his trade reached extensive proportions. Kocourek incorporated a hand operated 8’ X 12’ freight elevator in the rear of the building to move early farm implements to the second floor for assemblage. The elevator remains operable today. The Rock Island Railroad depot was only a block away. The present depot building located near the original site was constructed in 1915 by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad (Rock Island Line) and has been restored by the City of Hazen. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987.
Construction of the Kocourek & Son Hardware building began in 1906 and was completed in 1907. The building is virtually unaltered from the time of its construction, and is an excellent example of the style, which was found nationally in just about every commercial center. The building is located at 110 East Front Street across from a green space in the center of town.
Examples of the construction are:
At the top of the front façade is a projecting double-level cornice formed of corbeled brickwork. In between the two levels of the cornice are engaged brick pilasters. Arched wrought-iron vents are located in the recessed brick panels in between the pilasters.
All of the double-hung windows have flat stone sills and arched lintels.
Original metal shutters remain for most of the double-hung windows on the first floor.
The first floor and second floor are both the original tongue and groove flooring.
The original tin ceiling tiles remain intact.
The original 8’ X 12’ hand operated freight elevator is operable and in good condition
Our Need
Since construction of the building was completed in 1907 there are minor fixes, major fixes and updates that need attention. Minor would include scraping and painting the storefront and the front second floor windows, repainting the front awning and poles, replacing the freight elevator hand rope, and removing the loose interior stucco. Major items include rebuilding or replacing the first-floor side windows and second story windows, modernizing the electrical wiring and lighting, new restrooms, adding HVAC systems, and replacing the first-floor wooden flooring.
The building is structurally sound but starting some of the major items such as the brick work, windows, and first floor wooden floor is critical. To that end, the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program approved a $120,934.00 grant matched with $51,862 from the Center for tuckpointing/masonry repairs to the east wall, west wall, and the north second floor wall that was completed in November 2023.
Architect Schelle's estimate for the current renovation exceeds $300,000.00. The bulk of this figure includes new electrical service and lighting, rebuilding or replacing the windows, replacing the original wooden first floor, new restrooms and new HVAC units and duct work. A roofing company has examined the roof and declares it in acceptable condition, needing recoating at an undetermined time in the future.
The current renovation goal is to raise $100,000.00 that will provide matching funds for $200,000.00 in future grants from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program. It is anticipated this amount will be needed for renovation due to increased material costs.
Donate Today
Help us bring the Prairie County Historical Center to life for present and future generations.