
Prairie County Historical Center

Our mission is to preserve & share the family histories of Prairie County, Arkansas and restore the Kocourek & Son Hardware store constructed in 1907.  The Center will provide a community meeting place/event center that honors Grand Prairie heritage and culture while serving as a multi-generational gathering space. Historic objects and written correspondences that tell the story of past Grand Prairie families and businesses will be preserved and exhibited for educational and research purposes during typical business hours; and space will be designed for special even use by reservation or appointment for off hours and weekends.

“Preservation is the business of saving communities and the values they embody.”
— Richard Moe, National Trust for Preservation

The Historical Center's purpose

  • Preserve the heritage and stories of the founders of Prairie County

  • Provide a gathering place for social and educational events

  • Engage and educate people about the history of the Grand Prairie

  • Help shape the future of this area


Prairie County Historical Center, Inc. (The Center) is an Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (C) (3) entity established to restore the Kocourek and Son Hardware building constructed in 1907. Preserving the building and preserving the history and culture of the families of Prairie County is the mission of the Center. 

Our Need

Construction of the building was completed in 1907. Over the last fifteen to twenty years the building has received minimal maintenance. Currently there are both minor and major repairs/restoration needed, as well as updates to the building.

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The Center will provide an organization and location where family histories can be shared. Time is of the essence, not only for the building but for the collection and preservation of family histories and artifacts to share with our young and future generations.

The Vision

For present and future generations to experience the family histories of Prairie County and understand how the lives of these families shaped the culture of Prairie County and our state.  Jay Kesler, former president, chancellor and current President Emeritus of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana has said – “Young people need something stable to hold onto, a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future”.

The Mission

To preserve & share the family histories of Prairie County, Arkansas and restore the Kocourek & Son Hardware store constructed in 1907.  The Center will provide a community meeting place/event center that will enhance community spirit and education.

Project Completed November 2023

Exterior brick restoration of Kocourek building in downtown Hazen was completed November 2023 with external brick mortar repair and restoration.

Total Cost: $172,796

Arkansas Historical Preservation Grant: $115,255

Praire County Historical Center: $57,541

Current Projects

A $74,956.22 grant application requiring $24,985.40 in matching funds from PCHC has been submitted to the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program for the following:

  • Restore eight historic double-hung wood windows on the second floor south elevation of the building. The windows will be removed, repaired or rebuilt, and reinstalled. The masonry openings at the perimeter of the windows will be sealed, and existing hardware will be cleaned and reinstalled.

  • Remove and replace historic tongue-and-groove wood flooring and floor joists from the west side of the first floor to install drainage fill and piping to the exterior. A new below-grade dry well will be installed in the grass area to the west of the building and fitted with a sump pump. a new drainpipe will be installed from the dry well to an open-air ditch along an alley to the north of the building to provide groundwater drainage from under and around the building foundation.

Your financial support is needed to enable the PCHC to progress.

Major donations are required over the next several years to provide matching funds for future grants.

Annual sustaining donations will be required now and in the future to provide for operating expenses such as utilities, insurance, real estate taxes, minor repairs, and improvements.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible. ( 501c3 non-profit)

Future Projects

  • Historical Restoration of Windows

  • Repair the First Floor Wooden Floor

  • Upgrade Electrical System

  • Install HVAC system

  • Provide Kitchen Facility

  • Build Two Handicap Accessible Restrooms

Donate Today

Help us bring the Prairie County Historical Center to life for present and future generations.

from $25.00